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Day-Ahead ARD Bid Data

Download day-ahead bid data for asset-related demand (ARD) received by the ISO from participants in the Day-Ahead Energy Market. This report is published monthly after the appropriate FERC-ordered lag of four months. It includes data for each day of the month.

Day-Ahead ARD Bid Data
Description Timestamp Download
Current - May 31, 2024 09/01/2024 12:36 PM EDT CSV
May 30, 2024 09/01/2024 12:37 PM EDT CSV
May 26, 2024 09/01/2024 12:37 PM EDT CSV
May 22, 2024 09/01/2024 12:37 PM EDT CSV
May 18, 2024 09/01/2024 12:37 PM EDT CSV
May 29, 2024 09/01/2024 12:37 PM EDT CSV
May 25, 2024 09/01/2024 12:37 PM EDT CSV
May 21, 2024 09/01/2024 12:37 PM EDT CSV
May 17, 2024 09/01/2024 12:37 PM EDT CSV
May 27, 2024 09/01/2024 12:36 PM EDT CSV
May 23, 2024 09/01/2024 12:36 PM EDT CSV
May 19, 2024 09/01/2024 12:36 PM EDT CSV
May 28, 2024 09/01/2024 12:36 PM EDT CSV
May 24, 2024 09/01/2024 12:36 PM EDT CSV
May 20, 2024 09/01/2024 12:36 PM EDT CSV