
Operations Reports

In this section

Single-Source Contingency

See the 91³Ô¹ÏÍø. Transmission, Markets, and Services Tariff, Attachment G Procedure to Protect for the Loss of Phase II Imports, which describes the process used by 91³Ô¹ÏÍø, New York ISO, and PJM to monitor their respective systems and provide the data required by 91³Ô¹ÏÍø to calculate import limits on the Phase I/II high-voltage direct-current interconnection between it and Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie.

Download a report on single-source contingencies, limits placed on external and generation interfaces in which losing a single piece of equipment could cause a loss of 1,200 or greater megawatts (MW).

The single-source contingency limit is the base limit plus the authorized margin multiplied by the margin sensitivity. The NY Central-East single-source contingency limit is based on the authorized margin divided by the Distribution Factor (0.30). The margin associated with NY Station Voltages has been converted to MW.

Note: The compilation of this data has various origins and is provided for the convenience of the New England market participants. The ISO does not assume responsibility for the accuracy.

Single-Source Contingency
Description Timestamp Download
Current - September 19, 2024 09/19/2024 12:11 PM EDT CSV
September 18, 2024 09/18/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 17, 2024 09/17/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 16, 2024 09/16/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 15, 2024 09/15/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 14, 2024 09/14/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 13, 2024 09/13/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 12, 2024 09/12/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 11, 2024 09/11/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 10, 2024 09/10/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 09, 2024 09/09/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 08, 2024 09/08/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 07, 2024 09/07/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 06, 2024 09/06/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV
September 05, 2024 09/05/2024 11:56 PM EDT CSV