"C","91³Ô¹ÏÍø. Morning Report" "C","Filename: morning_report_20240907_20240907074542000.csv" "C","Report for 09/07/2024" "C","Report generated 09/16/2024 14:59:20 EDT" "H","Report Type","Status" "D","Morning Report","Final" "H","Section 1. Report Date","Report Time" "D","09/07/2024","00:00:00" "H","Section 2. Prior Day Peak","Hour Ending","MW" "D","09/06/2024","20","14949" "H","Section 3. Operable Capacity Analysis" "H","Description","MW" "D","A. Capacity Supply Obligation (CSO)",27297 "D","B. Capacity Additions EcoMax Bid > CSO",1019 "D","C. Generation Outages and Reductions",3673 "D","D. Uncommitted Available Generation (Non-fast start)",8130 "D","E. DRR Capacity",205 "D","F. Uncommitted Available DRR",12 "D","G. Capacity Deliveries: Net Purchases = (-) Net Sales = (+)" "D","Highgate",0 "D","NB",74 "D","NYISO AC",-1214 "D","NYISO CSC",330 "D","NYISO NNC",-99 "D","Phase 2",-675 "D","Net Deliveries",-1584 "D","H. Total Available Capacity (A+B-C-D+E-F-G)",18290 "D","I. Peak Load Forecast For Hour Ending20",13940 "D","J. Total Operating Reserve Requirement",1920 "D","K. Capacity Required = I + J",15860 "D","L. Surplus = (+) Deficiency = (-) (H - K)",2430 "D","M. Replacement Reserve Requirement",160 "D","N. Excess Commitment Surplus = (+) Deficiency = (-) (L - M)",2270 "D","Section 4. Largest First Contingency MW",1246 "D","Section 5. Annual Maintenance Schedule (A.M.S) Peak Load Exposure MW",24553 "H","Section 6. Reserve Summary" "D","Ten Minute Reserve Requirement:",1495 "D","Ten Minute Reserve Estimate:",1495 "D","Thirty Minute Reserve Requirement:",425 "D","Thirty Minute Reserve Estimate:",2855 "D","Expected Actions of OP 4:",0 "D","Additional Capacity Available from OP 4 Actions:",0 "H","Section 7. Interchange Summary" "H","Description","Import Limit MW","Export Limit MW","Scheduled Contract MW" "D","Highgate",-225,50,0 "D","NB",-650,400,74 "D","NYISO AC",-1400,1200,-1214 "D","NYISO CSC",-346,330,330 "D","NYISO NNC",-200,200,-99 "D","Phase 2",-2000,1200,-675 "H","Section 8. Weather Forecast Summary for the Peak Hour" "H","City","Conditions","Wind","High Temperature (F)" "D","Boston","Rain","S-11",68 "D","Hartford","Rain","W-7",66 "H","Section 9. SAR Available","Value" "D","NYISO","Yes" "H","Section 10. Capacity of Non-Commercial Units" "D","Total Available",0 "H","Section 11. Units Committed to Meet Minimum Operating Reserve and Replacement Reserve Requirements" "H","Number of Units","MW" "D",0,0 "H","Section 12. Geomagnetic Disturbance Activity" "H","Description","Value" "D","Forecast:","" "D","Alert:","" "D","Intensity:","" "D","Observed Activity:","" "D","Actions Taken or Planned by ISO-NE:","None" "D","Actions Taken or Planned by Other Control Areas:","None" "T","46 lines"